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You can easily install the Sirdata CMP into your Magento site.

Method A - From the Magento Marketplace

1) Download and install the Sirdata CMP plugin: https://commercemarketplace.adobe.com/sirdata-cmp-sirdata.html

2) Your extension is now installed and accessible from the left-hand navigation menu in your back-office Magento 2 : Content > Sirdata CMP

3) Deploy your CMP : create your Sirdata CMP account from the plugin or configure your plugin.

And that’s it! Your Sirdata CMP is now installed on your Magento site!

Method B - Directly from Magento :

1) Download the plugin

2) Extract the plugin files: Unzip the ZIP file you downloaded.

3) Transfer the plugin files to your Magento server: Use an FTP client to connect to your Magento server and transfer the extracted files in a new directory "SirdataCmp". The exact location may vary depending on the plugin, but it is usually located in app/code.

4) Run the installation commands: In the command line (using the “cd” command), navigate to the Magento 2 root directory, the following commands in order:

php bin/magento module:status

php bin/magento module:enable SirdataCMP_Sirdata

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

5) Clear the cache: Once the installation is complete, clear the Magento cache for the changes to take effect by connecting to the Magento back office and navigating to System > Cache Management > Clear cache

6) Your extension is now installed and accessible from the left navigation menu in your Magento 2 back office: Content > SirdataCMP

7) Deploy your CMP: Create your Sirdata CMP account from the plugin or configure your plugin

And there you have it, your Sirdata CMP is installed on your Magento site!

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