Tag Management with Google Tag Manager

Sirdata's intelligent CMP is developped to detect the existence of a dataLayer dedicated to Google Tag Manager (GTM) or to create one to inject into GTM the signals of choice (non-choice / consent / refusal / opposition of the user ).

You do not need to modify anything on your site, the CMP is autonomous.

The CMP injects a "consent" signal ("sirdataConsent") on page load if the user accepted cookies (or resides outside Europe), and/or "non-consent" ("sirdataNoConsent") if the user has refused cookies. If the user has not yet made a choice yet, an intermediary event "SirdataNoChoice" is triggered.

Be careful to handle the events well if you want to set up complex packaging: depending on the choice and any modification of the choice on the same page, there can be 2 events related to choice: sirdataConsent and sirdataNoConsent.

The CMP will also inject into GTM all the environment and choice information to enable the granularity of the legal bases to be implemented by purpose.

The basic strategy for quickly blocking tags (beacons) using cookies therefore consists of making the tags conditional on consent ("event"), while the advanced strategy consists of using the information transmitted ("variables") to verify the validity of the consent for a particular partner for example.

This method allows a great technical simplification of the tag management. However, it is important to keep in mind that legal expertise is necessary to figure out how to apply it by yourself.

For each tag/beacon, you must:

  • Evaluate the possible presence of non-exempted trackers (cookies, indexdb, local storage, etc.) (ePrivacy Directive)

  • Evaluate the processing of personal data and, if applicable, the purposes pursued by your partners and their respective legal bases (GDPR)

  • Evaluate if a tag/beacon is automatically supported by your partners thanks to the CMP APIs (e.g.: Google and Microsoft Bing's "Consent Mode")

Don't hesitate to ask our team to set up these packaging for you:


1) Triggers creation

In your GTM account, go to the "Triggers" section of your workspace:

Click on "New", then set up a first custom event "Sirdata Consent" by selecting a trigger type "custom event" and using the event name "sirdataConsent" (without initial capital or space), as follows:

Save and repeat the operation to set up a second custom event named "Sirdata No Consent", selecting a trigger type "custom event" and using the event name "sirdataNoConsent" (without initial capitals or spaces), as follows :

You now have 2 events at your disposal, which will allow the CMP to automatically manage your tags.

2) Tag management

Now go to the "Tags" section where you manage your tags:

Edit an existing tag or create a new one, using the tag of your choice and using the second section ("Trigger") to trigger the tag only in case of consent (cf. event "Sirdata Consent "created in step 1) or on the contrary in case of non-consent if for example you want to trigger a tag without cookie in the absence of consent.

It is of course possible to use this trigger in addition to other triggers or conditions external to the CMP.

Your tag is now conditioned and will no longer be triggered without prior consent, for example. This is the major step, and we advise you to repeat this operation for all the tags that require it.

Then you can use the information sent by the CMP and create granular parameters to go further in the control.

3) Creating granular parameters

Sirdata's intelligent CMP transmits the signals of choice to GTM in accordance with the IAB Europe's TCF :




GDPR parameter of the TCF of IAB Europe: 1 if user subject to GDPR, 0 otherwise


Google AdTech Partner IDs with consent

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:


Examples :

  • Facebook : 89

  • Microsoft : 326

  • AT Internet : 587

  • Tradedoubler AB : 486

See the complete list of Google partners


TCF GVL Vendor IDs with consent

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:


Examples :

  • Google (Ad Manager, AdSense, Ads, Tag Manager, ...) : 755

  • Seedtag : 157

  • BeOp : 666

  • Taboola : 42

  • Teads : 132

  • Outbrain : 164

  • Opti Digital : 915

  • Criteo : 91

  • Invibes : 436

  • Digiteka : 343

  • Impactify : 606

  • Dailymotion : 573

  • Amazon Advertising : 793

  • Awin : 907

  • Kwanko : 702

  • Effiliation / Effinity : 402

  • Rakuten Marketing LLC : 60

See the full list of IAB partners


TCF Vendor IDs with legitimate interest established

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:



Sirdata Partner IDs with consent

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:



Sirdata Partner IDs with legitimate interest established

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:



Purpose IDs for which user gave consent to.

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:



Purpose IDs for which legitimate has been established

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:



Special Features IDs for which user gave consent to.

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:

|1|2: 1


Standard Publisher Purpose IDs for which user gave consent to.

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:



Standard Publisher Purpose IDs for which legitimate interest has been established.

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example:



Custom (Non Standard) Publisher Standard Purpose IDs for which user gave consent to.

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example: |1|


Custom (Non Standard) Publisher Standard Purpose IDs for which legitimate interest has been established.

Values framed and separated by pipes. Example: |2|


TC String (IAB Europe' TCF)

To use them, go to the "Variables" section:

In the "User-defined variables" section click on "new" and choose the type of variable "Data layer variable":

Then use one of the parameters in the table above as variable name.

Save and go to the "event" or "tag" section to use these settings.

4) Using granular settings for events

You can create complex event triggers based on the sirdataConsent and sirdataNoConsent events sent to GTM, by coupling them with these variables created in the previous point.

For example, to condition a personalized advertising tag on the prior obtaining of consent for purposes 1, 3 and 4 and the partner Google (id 755), as well as a legitimate interest established for purpose 2 and this same partner :

Then use these triggers to trigger the specific tags for which they were created.

5) Using granular settings for tags

To transmit information in your tags, such as the TC String, for example, use the names of the variables you have created in your tags, surrounded by double brackets.

For example if you have created a sirdataTcString variable, you can use it in a tag by injecting it like this:

You can refer to the dedicated section on cookieless proxying to understand, if necessary, how trigger groups or trigger exceptions work.

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