How it works

In this section you will find the JavaScript commands allowing you to interact with the CMP on your site.

Sirdata CMP provides you with a list of standard commands documented in the IAB Tech Lab CMP JavaScript API.

All the commands are executed through the API function __tcfapi.

window.__tcfapi(command, version, callback, parameter);

The version parameter is the TCF specification version (= 2).


    gdprApplies: *Boolean*,
    cmpLoaded: *Boolean*,
    cmpStatus: *String*,
    displayStatus: *String*,
    apiVersion: '2.0',
    cmpVersion: *Integer*,
    cmpId: *Integer*,
    gvlVersion: *Integer*,
    tcfPolicyVersion: *Integer*


    tcString: [base64url-encoded] *String*,
    addtlConsent: *String*,
    tcfPolicyVersion: *Integer*,
    cmpId: *Integer*,
    cmpVersion: *Integer*,
    gdprApplies: *Boolean*,
    evenStatus: *String*,
    cmpStatus: *String*,
    isServiceSpecific: *Boolean*,
    useNonStandardStacks: *Boolean*,
    publisherCC: *String*,
    purposeOneTreatment: *Boolean*,
    outOfBand: {
        allowedVendors: {
            *vendorId*: *Boolean*,
        disclosedVendors: {
            *vendorId*: *Boolean*,
    purpose: {
        consents: {
            *purposeId*: *Boolean*,
        legitimateInterests: {
            *purposeId*: *Boolean*,
    vendor: {
        consents: {
            *vendorId* : *Boolean*,
        legitimateInterests: {
            *vendorId* : *Boolean*,
    specialFeatureOptins: {
        *specialFeatureId*: *Boolean*,
    publisher: {
        consents: {
            *purposeId*: *Boolean*,
        legitimateInterests: {
            *purposeId*: *Boolean*,
        customPurpose: {
            consents: {
                *customPurposeId*: *Boolean*,
            legitimateInterests: {
                *customPurposeId*: *Boolean*,
        restrictions: {
            *purposeId*: {
                *vendorId* : *Integer*,


    gvlSpecificationVersion: *Integer*,
    vendorListVersion: *Integer*,
    tcfPolicyVersion: *Integer*,
    lastUpdated: *String*,
    purposes: {
        *purposeId*: {
            id: *Integer*,
            name: *String*,
            description: *String*,
            descriptionLegal: *String*,
    specialPurposes: {
        *specialPurposeId*: {
            id: *Integer*,
            name: *String*,
            description: *String*,
            descriptionLegal: *String*,
    features: {
        *featureId*: {
            id: *Integer*,
            name: *String*,
            description: *String*,
            descriptionLegal: *String*,
    specialFeatures: {
        *specialFeatureId*: {
            id: *Integer*,
            name: *String*,
            description: *String*,
            descriptionLegal: *String*,
    stacks: {
        *stackId*: {
            id: *Integer*,
            name: *String*,
            description: *String*,
            purposes: [
            specialFeatures: [
    vendors: {
        *vendorId*: {
            id: *Integer*,
            name: *String*,
            purposes: [
            legIntPurposes: [
            flexiblePurposes: [
            specialPurposes: [
            features: [
            specialFeatures: [
            policyUrl: *String*,
            usesCookies: *Boolean*,
            cookieMaxAgeSeconds: *Integer*,            
            usesNonCookieAccess: *Boolean*,
            deviceStorageDisclosureUrl: *String*


You will find in the table below the list of events that can be triggered by the CMP:

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